AWS Fargate — Installing Prometheus on Fargate with EFS (Draft)

John Gakhokidze
2 min readNov 30, 2020


Please note this is early draft but works.

This post is attempt to provide steps on installing Prometheus by updating steps in AWS blog post. Goal is to install Prometheus using EFS, without managed node group. All steps are in GitHub

eksctl create cluster — name MyCluster — fargate

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
# Note usually it returns
aws eks describe-cluster — name MyCluster — query “cluster.resourcesVpcConfig.vpcId” — output text
#grab output which is somrthing like below

aws ec2 describe-vpcs — vpc-ids vpc-<exampledb76d3e813> — query “Vpcs[].CidrBlock” — output text
#Output is something like #VPC CIDR
#vpc-<exampledb76d3e813>#Your VPC id

#Create a security group that allows inbound NFS traffic for your Amazon EFS mount points.

# Open the Amazon VPC console at
#Choose Security Groups in the left navigation panel, and then choose Create security group.
#Enter a name and description for your security group, and choose the VPC that your Amazon EKS cluster is using.
#Under Inbound rules, select Add rule.
#Under Type, select NFS.
#Under Source, select Custom, and paste the VPC CIDR range that you obtained in the previous step.
#Choose Create security group.

aws efs describe-file-systems — query “FileSystems[*].FileSystemId” — output text
#change your pv files for alertmanager and server and
kubectl apply -f efs-storage-class.yaml

helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus — namespace default -f values-fargate.yaml

kubectl apply -f pvc-prometheus-alertmanager.yaml
kubectl apply -f pvc-prometheus-server.yaml

kubectl apply -f pv-prometheus-alertmanager.yaml
kubectl apply -f pv-prometheus-server.yaml

#add all three subnets for EFS filesystem ( AWS console via EFS>your filesystem>Network tab>Manage button) #to the following security groups:

#Delete resources
helm uninstall prometheus
aws cloudformation delete-stack — stack-name MyCluster

